Provide daily conflict early warning and early response, data collection, verification, and analysis.
Aid conflict rapid response to the population in the Mandera triangle.
Offer training,guidance, and mentorship to the various peacebuilding Infrastructures.
Provide daily contact points for county officials and community interlocutors.
Provide secretarial support to the Peace Actor's Forums.
Offer research, policy and learning opportunities that incubates local contextually appropriate peacebuilding and conflict management frameworks for pastoral communities.
Incubate best practices in conflict management that are contextually appropriate in pastoral conflicts. Offer an important knowledge reference learning centre for peacebuilding, and on issues around fragility and resilience in Kenya and the region. Be a central platform where Interpeace will share its over 25 years of experience in peacebuilding with the Mandera triangle regional administrations and other actors in the region.
Contribute to the efforts of the international community in crisis prevention and stability by offering secretarial support to IGAD's cross border Conflict Prevention, Resolution and Management (CPRM) cluster in the triangle (Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia)